It is therefore healthy and very normal to celebrate our past moments in life, but it is equally unhealthy and pitied to become stuck (victim) in a moment and miss the rest of life. Life is a motion picture (or beyond), not a snapshot. It is always moving and stands still for no one.
Those who have a snapshot perspective of life can easily identified simply by our views on life. Such people always talk about the past and how things used to be, or they dwell on what someone did to them years ago. It's almost as if they stopped living once that moment transpired. Although they can easily recall in detail a particular moment in time that occured years ago, they cannot clearly articulate their plans for the future. On the other hand, besides past glories, some people including me are often driven by past guilts, painful memories, bitterness, resentment, haunting fear, rejection, seperation etc. Friends! the good news is God's purpose for us is never limited by our past.
As most of you must have read Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, one of the most phenomenal masterpeice ever written during our generation, Pastor Warren with close guidance and teaching from the Bible, thus mention that we need to allow God to use us rather than asking God to handle some parts... In other words, life is about letting God use 'me' for his purpose, not 'me' using God for my own accomplishment. God's complete picture for our lives is trully beyond our loved ones, families, my work or even my own fulfillment. It is rather very intriguing when Pastor Warren mention that the purpose of our life fits into much larger, cosmic purpose.
As most of you must have read Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, one of the most phenomenal masterpeice ever written during our generation, Pastor Warren with close guidance and teaching from the Bible, thus mention that we need to allow God to use us rather than asking God to handle some parts... In other words, life is about letting God use 'me' for his purpose, not 'me' using God for my own accomplishment. God's complete picture for our lives is trully beyond our loved ones, families, my work or even my own fulfillment. It is rather very intriguing when Pastor Warren mention that the purpose of our life fits into much larger, cosmic purpose.
I guess, we are more than a moment or memories! We are not a kind of snapshot or one frame of the picture. If we refuse to allow our past to define our future by simply allowing God to use us, we will surely discover that life has much more to offer than a beautiful memories.