Sunday, May 19, 2013

Knowing God's bigger picture ( IN PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD)

Folks, I would love to share a story of a woman who changes the course of the history of great and mighty nation as mention in the Bible. Her partnership with God in accomplishing God’s mission was unimaginable. This woman who was called by God to be a mother not just fulfills her motherly duty towards her children and family but fulfilled the mission assigned by God.  She was non-other than Hannah wife of Elkanah (the mother of Samuel).
Hannah lived in a time of decline. Israel had arrived at one of the darkness points in her history. After Moses and Joshua had ruled the nation so capably, the time of the judges arrived. It was during those times people were so uninterested in God and they increasingly turned toward serving idols. The spiritual climate was no longer liveable. People have become so sinful that even Eli, the head priest who was the keeper of the tabernacle started to tolerate the sinful behaviour of his sons. In the midst of all these social, political and spiritual turmoil that was happening, God preserve Hannah’s heart to be burden with something greater than all the circumstances around. The Lord shut up Hannah’s womb and because of which Hannah was a curse in front of Penninah (the other wife of Elkanah). She had shed countless tears because she also felt forsaken by God for making her barren and most of all because of Peninnah who like to pick on her and ridicule her.
As I continue to study about this amazing woman, I was so encouraged by the fact that Hannah first committed her situation to God. This God guided act was so pleasing to God and eventually blessed her with more children and delivered Israel. The severity of Hannah’s misery was heighten by the cultural obligation that bearing children was the very most utmost important duty of a married woman under the Old Testament culture. I can’t imagine how Hannah must be feeling when her husband took another wife and the second wife gave him children. I wonder what Hannah must have gone through all those sleepless nights and hopeless days, but there’s one thing that am deeply convinced. Hannah never falls into such self-pity trap. She never gave Satan that foothold.
In fact, when she prayed, she didn’t ask for a son so that she can compete with Peninnah or get her husband’s attention or redeem herself from the cultural norms or boost her own self esteem but instead she presented God with a great petition followed by a promise “THEN I WILL GIVE HIM BACK TO YOU FOR ALL OF HIS LIFE…” (1 Samuel 1:11 onwards). It was a very personal cut throat like situation for her because she was making an almost impossible promise to God (what if she really had a son who’s more handsome or smarter than Penninah’s or any boys in the neighbourhood or what if her husband disagree). Only a mother or someone who have the heart of a mother could possibly realize how great a sacrifice that Hannah was making. Hannah however had this crystal clear understanding that she was called by God and there she’s eventually called to a bigger partnership. Her faith never wavered. She unshakably stood the test of time though many times she cried and felt lonely.  Hannah built her life on the rock. She knew there was no firmer foundation. How could she do that? Hannah had a personal relationship with God that fuelled her trust, commitment, and life. She experienced his power and his fruitfulness, and she learned that her truest joy was in God alone. That’s what her song said: “I rejoice in the Lord!” And while we focus on people and on things, we miss the whole point! Only God can fill our heart with permanent joy, and she found this. She became a bold witness for him.
Hannah’s influence was absolutely immeasurable on her nation. Hannah gave Israel a son that turned the nation around. Bible scholars say it was Samuel that brought them back Israelites to righteousness. It was Samuel that anointed the first king; Samuel that anointed the second king; Samuel who became the last judge and the first prophet. However, many including me in many occasions are like Penninah who never know that even in the midst of all hopelessness and decaying, the will of God is actively at work. Penninah couldn’t look beyond what she can see with her physical eyes. Many can relate well with Penninah because many times we in our own strength want our children to be the smartest kid in the town or ensure they attend the best school and make every afford to provide future security…but what about dedicating our children before God. Israel needed a God fearing man, and God gave Samuel to them, but he gave him the mother that would be so committed to God that she wanted her son to serve him. Hannah gave her son to worship the true living God; she gave her son to serve God. It was so visible that Hannah nurtured the heart of her son and did exercise authority as God’s agent. But above all she gave herself to God first. Not to forget, she was a wonderful & faithful life partner too.

We therefore begin to see something of the reason why Samuel grew up to be a great man in the service of God. God still needs mothers like that! God still needs children like that! But are we willing to step out of the boat like Hannah and take a leap of faith. Am sure the storm’s big enough to overwhelmed & daunt us down but friends, there’s no firmer foundation than to be in Christ for we know that the testing of our faith produces steadfastness and to that end we will learn like Hannah to know that the will of God is actively at work even when the world seems hopeless and meaningless. As we celebrate mother’s day, we can only re-examine our motives and check whether our goals are Godward oriented and are willing to partnership with God for the labourers are few.  God bless you as you spare your time reading this article.

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