(Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...Psalm 23:4)
I've heard that there is a road that goes between Jericho and Jerusalem known as the "shadow of death". It was named due to its narrow way and steep sides. By the name itself, it gives me weird sorts of extreme fear. Am sure not many travelers have trotted that path and cross that valley. Similar to what David encountered,

The other perfect example was Elijah. Elijah witness God’s outpouring of his power at Mount Carmel. Indeed he had that magnificent mountain top experience where he defeated his enemy. But God interestingly didn’t let Elijah stay there at the mountain top for long. In the next chapter, we see how Elijah went down the valley. It was quite unbelievable to see the same anointed Elijah who killed countless of Baal’s prophets running for life from King Ahab’s wife Jezebel. He himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, "It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!" … To make it short, the Angel of the Lord came and attended him. God encourages the DISCOURAGED Elijah… Friends, God was with Elijah during the mountain top phase and also in his down the valley experience. He is the same God today…
The Valley of Doubt and Uncertainty
I’ve been in this valley many times. I’ve question my own worth and God’s perfect plan for me. When I was a younger, I often imagine if I was born with a silver spoon like many people around…I’ve doubted God’s purpose for me. I left home since I was very young. Along with my elder bro, we stayed in a hostel of the school where we studied. Parents never have enough to support us but they never give up on us. We always wait for the monthly pocket money our parents send us through some people coming. As I grew up, the experience that I went through being a refugee in my own homeland due to war left a huge scar in my mind and heart. I was never comfortable with taking risk. To talk about tomorrow or future was always something I’ve feared. Many of us also undergo hunger (real hunger), separation, parents getting divorce, becoming orphan or you are an adopted child and many more. But Psalm 23:4 has changed my life. God changed my heart. I must confess that I still don’t know what my future holds, but today am sure and know who holds my future. BECAUSE HE LIVES, I CAN FACE TOMORROW.
The Valley of Fear
Imagine it’s raining, lightning and thundering, windy, slippery and dark evening, you’re feeling hungry and tired, you can hear the vicious wolves howling and coming for your sheep and for you as well… David must have had a real tough call to make each time he crosses that path. David displayed what it takes to be a good shepherd to his sheep and he also displayed what it takes to be a sheep under that good shepherding of God. Psalm 23 assured us that nothing can change the fact that you belong to God, and He is in ultimate control of your life. Ask God to make you aware of His presence with you and to give you the peace that only He can give – the peace that surpasses all understanding. Remember that God will help you overcome anything that’s causing you fear. Ask Him to give you the strength you need. Realize that God will be faithful to you, even when you’re not faithful to Him. Use your time in this valley to learn how to trust God more, knowing that struggles build trust by showing you how to live out your faith. Let’s remember… “Safety and security is not found in the absence of danger but only found in God’s presence”… Let’s walk that valley under God’s presence.
The valley of Death
God knew that every person would sooner or later have to walk through the shadow of the valley of death as their physical life came to an end. From this perspective, the emphasis on this verse is found in the comforting words that "God is with us" even in this journey. One of my husband’s friends died of freaky road accident few days ago. He was just 26. So, at that moment “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God” sounds crazy… How can his sisters and his old mother thank God over the death body of their loved one lying cold and lifeless? It was not his fault. I really feel like crying as I write this now… friends am not trying to convinced you and console you but God said… no matter in whatever circumstances we are, God is with us. He promised us his presence till the end of time. The empty tomb is the perfect reminder that DEATH is not that ugly and scary… truly death has no sting. If you’re walking through that valley today, may the good shepherd leads you and empower you and give you much needed grace and comfort.
The Valley of Detours
Moses was the perfect example of a person who has visited this valley. Faces many blocks and criticism. But God led Moses and his people and he was with them till the end of the journey. If you’re walking through this valley of many blocks coming your way, remember even though you don’t know where the detour will lead, God does. Lift your eyes beyond your circumstances to God and trust Him to guide you well. Cooperate with His plans for you so that you and I can understand his heartbeat and understand the bigger picture.
The Valley of self-pity and the feeling of been unloved
I never ever imagine in my wildest dream that I’ll be walking through this valley someday. Today, am overcoming and am in a much better space because God is healing me and his people. After all the personal crisis and brokenness faced, I really can’t imagine how many people goes through that valley every hour and every moment of their lives. To me, there’s nothing more humiliating and more pitiful than to feel that you’re not loved. By walking down this valley, God taught me that there’s no perfect love apart from his love. The cross was the perfect ring that reveals his love for me. God loves us and there’s nothing that can separate us from the love of God. We are indeed much more than a conqueror.
The Valley of Suffering
Having worked with People living with HIV and AIDS, I just don’t have any audacity to share my own suffering. My friends have suffered enough and I always can’t imagine if I’d be in their shoes. In all these dark bottomless pit of suffering, it is so consoling to know that, because God is sovereign, nothing can get to you without
first coming through Him. The ultimate suffering was displayed on the cross. Christ definitely knew what suffering was. Am so glad that Christ knows what goes through my life. He definitely walks with us even through this valley.
first coming through Him. The ultimate suffering was displayed on the cross. Christ definitely knew what suffering was. Am so glad that Christ knows what goes through my life. He definitely walks with us even through this valley.
The Valley of Storms
Invite God to use the storms you go through to stretch your faith. Understand that God can use storms for correcting (returning you to a right relationship with Him), perfecting (to mature you and prepare you for serving more in His kingdom), and instructing (to teach lessons you couldn't learn otherwise). As you struggle through a storm, keep in mind that He is rooting for you. Not only that, but He is praying for you to remain faithful and learn to trust Him even more. Don’t panic, no matter how much rain falls, how loud the thunder crashes, or how close the lightning strikes, because God is more powerful than any storm you could ever experience. We just need to have that little faith.
The Valley of Disappointments
Things are not happening as expected, no acknowledgement or encouragement from any angle. Feeling like you’ve wasted yourself and all your investments not bearing any results. Feels like quitting and fell so burnout… friends, seek counsel from people who are close to God, rather than from worldly sources. Bring your problems and pains to God and ask Him to empower you to handle them according to His will. Ask God for encouragement, and know that He will give it to you. Remember that if you wait until you feel like doing something, you often won’t do it, but if you decide to take action no matter what your feelings, your feelings will follow. Trust that obeying God will always bring His blessings into your life. Remember that nothing is impossible for God, and that problems are platforms for Him to work miracles if He chooses to do so. Know that you can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you. Don’t quit living a faithful life; if you do, you’ll miss out on God’s best for you. Be persistent in faith until your circumstances change – and know that, in the process, you will change for the better yourself.
The Valley of Correction
David was corrected (confronted) by Prophet Nathan after he committed adultery and sin against God. Like David, even for many of us, we really doesn't like been corrected. Seriously, am so bad in this matter. But God said he disciplines and prune his children. Recognize that every crisis is an opportunity to take a personal inventory to determine how closely connected you are to God. Many times, our pride that entangles us tend to deceive us by saying we’re perfect, so to be humble and meek is only to be taken by the weak. However God reminds us today to unlearn what we've learned. We can be full of ourselves... and that hinders the fresh air to pass through... Christ's life was the perfect example...he will surely lift you up because he loves to lift up the meek and humble...
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Hubby trekking through the valley (Manali) |
David's soothing voice of confidence in this verse (Psalm 23:4) is that even if he must walk through the valley of death late in the day with shadows abounding and potential for disaster with every step; he would fear no evil. In other words, he was able to walk through this valley with peace. Why? Because he knew God was with him and that God's rod and staff would guide him and bring him comfort. He had his first-hand experience of God’s protection… he didn't simply heard about it from somebody but he experienced it personally. Indeed, His rod and his staff, they continue to comfort us… His grace surpasses our sin and infact i truly agree to what Phillip Yancey said: THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO MAKE GOD LOVE US MORE or LESS... Remember, the great shepherd went to look out for the one sheep missing leaving behind the 99... what GUTS and audacity he displayed to reach out to you and me...
If you find yourself walking through a valley right now, let God comfort you and may his presence be real to you as He walks alongside you. No matter what, whether you're experiencing that Mt. Carmel moment or the valley moment... He still rules and we're in his mind right now. AMEN.
What a soothing and calming voice to hear in this distress and chaos world. Pray that more and more people hear His voice.Keep writing...
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteAs the Bible says in 1 Kings19 ... the Lord was not in the wind, He was not in the earthquake, He was not in the fire. Like many others, Elijah probably only looked for God in dramatic manifestations. Certainly, God sometimes appears in such ways but He often appears in less dramatic surroundings.
After the fire a still small voice: This final phenomenon was a marked contrast to the previous manifestations. God actually met Elijah in the quiet whisper of a voice instead of the earth-shaking phenomenon that had gone before.... meeting God in the most UNLIKELIEST places... God bless...