Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Am reading the Bible Jesus Read....

Am lately trying planting new trees and flowers and set up flower pots for my corridors. Am also exploring reading new few good books to keep me alive.... am reading Phillip Yancey's book on "The Bible Jesus Read".... am totally loving it with every given lines and his personal expression and his quest to know God personally... Indeed there are many moments and times, I felt like.... Oh God... so you're the maker who created the Galaxy, the constellation, the Sun, Moon and the universe & every thing within that.... So are you serious that you know me? I mean are you sure that you cares? As i ask myself and God while going through reading this particular masterpeice of Mr. Yancey... God spoke to me.... dear.... I listening at your heart beat because you know why?... you were very much in my mind when I created all these... It is indeed a lifetime journey to understand God's doing in our lives... The God who showed himselves through the burning of the bush in the old testament and who revealed himselves through the cross in the new testament... He always shows up and the good news is this.......
He's on time ALWAYS.... May God bless all the readers ....

1 comment:

  1. I am reading and reflecting on the story of David & Solomon. Humm...at last found someone in our friend circle who loves to blog. Great!


MY ROCK, MY SANITY (My parents)...